Sunday, September 24, 2006


It looks like Mel Brooks is going to try and squeeze a bit more money out of one of my favourite movies. I hope its good.

This is not it...just a clip to make you laugh.

THIS is the news...

LOS ANGELES (AP) - Mel Brooks, whose comedy hits include "The Producers" and "Blazing Saddles," is bringing his sci-fi spoof "Spaceballs" to television in cartoon form.

"Spaceballs: The Animated Series" will air on the G4 television network beginning next fall.

The 1987 film, which starred Brooks, Rick Moranis and John Candy, parodied "Star Wars" and other sci-fi movies. The new animated version will poke fun at blockbuster movies, reality TV, politics and pop culture.

Brooks, 80, will write the pilot episode and voice two of the show's characters.

"Spaceballs: The Animated Series" is the result of a partnership among the G4 network, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, Brooksfilms Ltd. and Berliner Film Companie GmbH.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Evangeline Date Video

I used to call that number all the time...I never got to speak with my girl Evangeline...RIP OFF!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

See thru Technology

Remember those ads for "x-ray" glasses in the back of comic books and low-end men's magazines? Well, they might just become a reality thanks to Dr. Tim Drysdale.

Here's the skinny:

Dr. Drysdale, a graduate of Canterbury University, has been working on superhuman X-ray vision since 2003, when he was working on his Ph.D.

Technically, he isn't using X-rays. Instead, Dr. Drysdale is using terahertz waves which can see through clothes to find weapons or contraband and can even be used medically to determine how large a skin cancer is by looking from the surface.

Did Eye mention it can see through clothes? No? That's okay, because Dr. Drysdale did while talking to reporters.

"With terahertz imaging it is possible to see the body beneath the clothes, not just the bones that you see with X-rays," he said.

Terahertz waves lie between the highest radio frequencies and the far infrared, Drysdale explained, representing the last unexplored frontier of the radio and light-wave spectrum.

His research team achieved initial success when they discovered that sending ultra-fast pulses of visible light through specially engineered crystals could generate terahertz waves.

This is not theoretical, Drysdale and his team successfully demonstrated their device at the Britain's Royal Society meeting in July. Word of the terahertz device was passed to Queen Elizabeth, who has invited Dr. Drysdale to demonstrate it at Buckinham Palace next month -- a very big honor in the U.K.

Do you think he'll use them on the Queen?? LOL Imagine the price he could command with see thru pics of Her Majesty?

I totally see the importance of having such a devise for security measures etc, but can you imagine if Sony (or whomever) gets a chance to develop the technology for consumers? We may as well just all walk around in the buff.

Pretty neat stuff though.

The Referee is a Wanker

First off today I would like to apologize to the few (very few) loyal and wonderful readers that I do have about not keeping up with this blog. I had hoped to post something about every two days or so, but with work and family stuff I've been negligent to say the least.

Sorry friends.

Secondly I am a bit of a footie (soccer) fan so this little article gave me a good laugh.

A soccer team from Essex named Stambridge United (clearly not English Premiere League) have their new unis banned because they have "The Referee is a Wanker" on them. They actually played a few games with those shirts before the league decided they were too offensive. As you know, you can practically put anything on a soccer uniform if you pay enough money. Usually it's Vodafone or Nokia or whatever but this team was sponsored by an author who wrote a book called "The Referee is a Wanker" about football chants.

We're sad that this didn't go through. It was only a matter of time before corporate greed made its way into American sports (remember the whole Spiderman on the basepads brouhaha?) and we could have anything we wanted on football uniforms. "The referee is a wanker"? Imagine if Jeremy Shockey bought the rights to his own uniform and put "Bill Parcells is a homo".

Or the millions they'd make from fans of rival teams buying the rights or paying money just to retain the rights. (Yankees vs Red Sox anyone?) Sure it wouldn't be worth it to any of the big leagues but this is a minor league promotion waiting to happen.

Can you imagine how well those jerseys would sell as merchandise? It would have been a goldmine. Too bad it got scrubbed.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Chico and the Man

I got kind of a nice surprise when I got home for lunch today.

No, not the leftover chili from Sunday Football Day... SunTV out of Toronto is playing Chico and the Man.

I haven't seen it replayed in years and it was really cool to watch something that I remembered from very early in my childhood...very early. As a wee lad I remember thinking it was pretty cool that Chico got to sleep in a van.

Sure it a little bit racist, a little bit sexist and a little bit ageist but the interaction and timing of these two guys was dead on. It's almost vaudeville in nature with each constantly firing jokes and comebacks at each other.

The jokes played on stereotypes of latinos much like the "Mind Of Mencia" and "George Lopez" shows of today. There's just something about some of the jokes in Chico that make me turn around to see who's listening. Strange how times have changed.

It's such a great song by Jose Feliciano eh? I'm positive you'll be humming that tune all day.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Greasy the Happy Meat Clown

I think it would be funny to try and serve it to a vegetarian...who is also deathly afraid of clowns...

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Sex Doll Abuse???

For some reason this article really cracked me up.

Sex Doll Rafting Competitor Disqualified For 'Apparatus' Abuse?

ST. PETERSBURG, Russia -- A participant of the annual sex doll rafting tournament near St. Petersburg, Russia, has been disqualified for doing more than rafting on his sex doll.

The first tournament took place in 2003, sponsored by a number of Russian sex shops.

According to Zizn' newspaper, Igor Osipov was not able to control his sexual desire, even in the cool water of the Vuoksa River.

Osipov was one of more than 400 Russian "sportsmen" took part in the 4th annual Bubble Baba Challenge tournament.

"It's fun and difficult to swim 1,200 meters in a stormy river with an exotic apparatus, as the inflatable ladies slip out of hands," said tournament organizer Dmitriy Bulaviniv.

At a jury's command, participants jumped into the water, but strong winds and the powerful flow of the Vuoksa snatched the wet, inflatable sex dolls from strong men’s hands. Soon, only the 40-year-old Osipov was resolutely clinging to his sex doll raft as he neared the finish line.

That's when the jury noticed Osipov’s strange rafting position and told him to moor. When he came out of the water, gazers saw signs of recent sexual activity on his inflatable sex doll.

Although the rafting contest requires sex dolls to be used, they can only be used for swimming and rafting. Accordingly, the jury found the swimmer guilty of sexual abuse of his "apparatus" and disqualified him.

"I was shocked," said a friend of Osipov. "I think it was an expression of his great desire to win."

"gazers saw signs of recent sexual activity" LOL It's funny thinking about this guy's inability to keep his pecker in his pants.

I'm not saying it's actually THIS guy.

Could be THIS guy...

Crazy Russians.

Friday, September 01, 2006

I see London, I see France...

I see Lisa's underpants.

There are just somethings we shouldn't know.

BTW...who's Daddy Warbucks with Lisa in his arms??